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109mm Pre-Rolled Cones - Natural Brown [1000 Cones per Box]

SKU 109-26-NB1000-LAF


Our 109mm pre-rolled cone is designed for 1 gram pre-rolls, yet some manufacturers squeeze up to 1.25 grams into these king-sized cones. Crafted from natural brown ultra-thin European rolling paper, sourced sustainably from wood pulp, these cones offer a slightly less refined alternative to white paper, resulting in a light brown hue while maintaining transparency. Despite their fine texture, they allow the flavor of your flower to shine through. Burning evenly and smoothly, they ensure the perfect pre-rolled joint experience. Lab-tested to meet industry standards, compliance documents are readily available. Rolled to precise industry sizes, they seamlessly integrate with cone filling machines like the King Cone pre-roll filling machine.


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